Thanks to the wise stewardship of the Kelemen fund, in May of 2012 we were commissioned by Norfolk Church of Christ to replace the console for their three manual 1959 Austin.
Norfolk's organ was in the meticulous personal care of the late organ builder William Betts for most of its life. Bill was skilled craftsman with a generous spirit who was a friend of ours for many years. He was a great help to us when we were first starting out and our work on this project is dedicated to him.
The new console is made from solid mahogany to match the existing organ case, with molding details copied exactly and integrated directly into our existing terrace jamb design. The console interior (jamb terraces and coupler board) is made from domestic black walnut. The keyboards --made by P and S of the United Kingdom -- are rear fulcrum and have solid basswood levers with reed switch actuated thumb pistons. The pedalboard has solid maple keys with ebony caps for the accidentals. All the other console hardware is made by Harris Precision of Whittier California. The control system is by Matters and includes a full feature set.
We are grateful for the kindness, patience and generosity of Minister of Music Elizabeth Allyn, Reverend Erick Olsen, the Kelemen family and the congregation at Norfolk for the opportunity to build something of lasting beauty for this historic Connecticut church.
Odell Opus 651, 2013 • New three manual terrace jamb console for existing Austin organ.
Norfolk Church of Christ Congregational, Norfolk, Connecticut