The first Odell shop: 407-409 West 42nd Street, NYC.
Odell History
Brothers John Henry and Caleb Sherwood Odell founded the organ building firm of J.H. & C.S. Odell in 1859. They set up shop at a building on the corner of West 42nd Street and 9th Avenue in New York City. Odell built more than 500 pipe organs at that location before relocating to Westchester, New York in 1927. Odell remained active in the Greater New York Metropolitan until 1983.
Edward Odell -- the great-great grandson of Caleb Sherwood -- relocated to Connecticut to work for Austin Organs in 1995. Edward re-established Odell company and took Odell full time in 2002, maintaining facilities in East Haddam.
Over the last two decades the firm has built new pipe organs, executed historic restorations and performed vastly complicated repair projects.